Dear Olivia Mairs,
I am Olivia too, but I am the Olivia from 2012. This year I turned 11, at the moment it is a very busy time of year. This week we have the year 6 social, I am going with Matthew Woodhead. For the social you have a competitive dance and Matt and I are going to try and win it. Tomorrow night we have the school prize giving. Katrina my twin sister is going to try and get the hockey award but she is not going to win against me. This Sunday Katrina and I have under fourteen girls cricket trials I hope Katrina and get in the team!
First of all you have to be a fit healthy person and you should have a job. I don’t care what job you get just get one of these below because they are my dream jobs at the moment.
1. Be in the NZ women's hockey team.
2. Be in the NZ women’s cricket team.
3. Be living in the U.S and have the job of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Try and be the first woman to the moon.
I think that you should have gone to 11 different countries.
These are cities that I would like to go to:
Perth, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, New York, Los Angeles, California, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Washington DC, Paris, Scotland and London
I have got a few questions for you that I would like you to answer and a few means a few.
Have you still got blond hair? If you don’t then dye it blond because that is my favourite hair colour.
Do you still have blue eyes?
Do you like sport? If you don’t then I don’t know you.
Do you have a dog called Matt?
Do you have lots and lots of money?
How many houses do you have?
How much do you weigh?
Have you got a Lamborghini or Ferrari?
I think that you should have a boyfriend and have lots of money. I would like you to live in NZ or the U.S. You should live in a flash house that has a big backyard.
You should have a the latest Ipod and a flat screen tv.
You should have a black labrador called Matt.
That is all of the things that I would like you to have, do or be in.
Your sincerely,
Olivia Mairs
12th of December 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Black Stick v.s India
On 9th of December my family went the Park Island in Napier. We saw the woman's Black sticks play India. The Black sticks won 3-1 and Katrina, Georgia and I got autograph's from some of the players. My favourite autograph that I got was Charlotte Harrison's.
Here is a photo of Charlotte Harrison my sister and I.
Here is a photo of Charlotte Harrison my sister and I.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Kids for Kids
On the 30th of November the seniors from Parkvale school went to the Hastings Opera house for the rehearsal of the third and final show of the World Vision Kids for Kids show. The practice was awesome and we had lots of fun. We saw Suzanne Prentice as she was the main singer in the choir. I am nervous about tonight because my Mum, Dad and my sister Georgia are coming and I would like impress them. Dayna is the .M.C. and show is very funny. The conductor is Chris from the funky monkeys, he has wild hair. My favourite song is The Wombling song. I hope we do well tonight and it is a full crowd.
Here is a trailer that Mr Moriarty made.
Kids 4 Kids! from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.
Here is a trailer that Mr Moriarty made.
Kids 4 Kids! from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
If I got the option to become invisible I would take it here are the reasons why.
First of all people wouldn't see you. I think they wouldn't see you. Well they wouldn't see your body but they would still see your clothes. Now that would be weird. I wouldn't like that one little bit. If you were invisible is would be cool that people wouldn't be able to see you. If you were naked people wouldn't be able to see you, then you could listen to people conversations and that would be awesome.
It wouldn't be good in a way because if then if you come back to normal and you were naked, I just won’t go there. If you were listening to your parents conversations and you go back to normal then that would be very bad you would get told off big time.
I like the idea of it it would be awesome, but even if is some things about it that is risky I would take the risk. Life is all about risks and sometimes you just need to take them.
Here is a link to Abbie's blog and it has here opinion.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Bike reflection
16 of November 2012
I like bike safety because you learn heaps about biking. My favourite thing about bike safety is the relay races. Today I won the running and biking race. First you had to bike from the the end of the courts on the grass to just before the hill. Then you had you run to the cricket pitch and back. after that you had to bike just before the cricket nets and back to the start. Katrina my sister came second and Erin my friend came third. Something that I need to work on is try to go slower in the slow racers. The thing that I am good at is keeping my arms straight when I am turning left, right or using the stopping signal. I really enjoy biking and I hope we get to go on the road next week.
I like bike safety because you learn heaps about biking. My favourite thing about bike safety is the relay races. Today I won the running and biking race. First you had to bike from the the end of the courts on the grass to just before the hill. Then you had you run to the cricket pitch and back. after that you had to bike just before the cricket nets and back to the start. Katrina my sister came second and Erin my friend came third. Something that I need to work on is try to go slower in the slow racers. The thing that I am good at is keeping my arms straight when I am turning left, right or using the stopping signal. I really enjoy biking and I hope we get to go on the road next week.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Give way rules
At the moment we have being learning about bike safety. My class had to make a I can animate. That is a app on the ipad. I have done two give way rules animations and two epic crashes. I did my animation with Matthew H he is my learning buddy at the moment. I hope you enjoy watching these give way rules and the epic crashes.
This one is a give way one
This is another give way one
This is a car crash.
This is a car crash with a train.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The cricket ball
The Cricket Ball.
I can hear the crowd was shouting out, “Go Black Caps.” I saw these black shirts. I am guessing it’s the Black Caps. My heart was pounding and the sun was beating down on my face. I am a cricket ball. I am so scared. The bowler is just about to bowl me. They are spinning me through their fingers. Their sweating hands are making me hot and the seem is starting to have less grip. The bowler is just starting their run up, coming to the crease. Then I start to get dizzy. I am a Ferris wheel going round and round.
I was getting bowled by Ben Hilfenhaus from Aussie. He is a great bowler. Hilfenhaus bowls it to Ross Taylor, he smashes it for six. A great sweep shot.I bounced in the grandstand, “Ouch, “Donk, Eehhh.” That hurt. Now it’s the second ball,it’s a fast ball on middle stump. Then Taylor smacks it for four, that's ten runs already. Hilfenhaus rubs me on his pants my red leather starts to wear. The sun is beaming down on the pitch. Hilfenhaus bowls again this time it is another really very fast ball.Taylor misses it and it goes into the wicket keeper hands lucky he didn't nick it otherwise he would be out.
When Hilfenhaus gets the ball back, he tells the umpire that the ball is starting the wear. The umpire calls for a new ball. That's the end of me I guess,”Good luck.” I called to the other cricket ball. It didn't answer me. I don’t think it heard me. For a little while I watch the other ball getting smashed. It is quite funny to watch. The other ball s getting more smashed then I was. At the end of the Black caps batting I couldn't see or hear the other cricket ball. Then I saw Ross Taylor come in with a black pen. I guess that the cricket ball had being thrown into the crowd with Ross’s autograph. The poor other cricket had been thrown into the crowd and some lucky crowd member had got it.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Bike saftey road rules
Here is the NZ bike safety road rules.
Wear an approved safety helmet. Always fasten it securely, following the manufacturer's instructions. Always wear a helmet.
Wear brightly coloured or reflective clothing when cycling – you'll be easier to see.
Ride only on the road (unless you're delivering newspapers, mail or leaflets, or there is a sign indicating the footpath is a shared pedestrian and cycle path).
At intersections:
follow the rules for motor vehicles, or
get off your cycle and walk across.
If space allows, you can ride alongside another cyclist or moped. You must not ride alongside a car, truck or other motor vehicle.
Ride in single file if passing another vehicle.
Give a hand signal at least three seconds before stopping or turning.
Only carry a pillion passenger on your cycle if you have a pillion seat and footrest.
If you're carrying a child, make sure the pillion seat protects the child's legs from the wheels.
You must not leave a cycle blocking a footpath.
Use cycle paths or lanes, where provided.
Ride with lights on when it’s dark (from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise) or at other times of poor visibility, eg when it’s foggy.
Keep your cycle in good working condition.
Always wear shoes, as your pedals will dig in to your feet.
Here is a bike diagram with labels
Wear an approved safety helmet. Always fasten it securely, following the manufacturer's instructions. Always wear a helmet.
Wear brightly coloured or reflective clothing when cycling – you'll be easier to see.
Ride only on the road (unless you're delivering newspapers, mail or leaflets, or there is a sign indicating the footpath is a shared pedestrian and cycle path).
At intersections:
follow the rules for motor vehicles, or
get off your cycle and walk across.
If space allows, you can ride alongside another cyclist or moped. You must not ride alongside a car, truck or other motor vehicle.
Ride in single file if passing another vehicle.
Give a hand signal at least three seconds before stopping or turning.
Only carry a pillion passenger on your cycle if you have a pillion seat and footrest.
If you're carrying a child, make sure the pillion seat protects the child's legs from the wheels.
You must not leave a cycle blocking a footpath.
Use cycle paths or lanes, where provided.
Ride with lights on when it’s dark (from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise) or at other times of poor visibility, eg when it’s foggy.
Keep your cycle in good working condition.
Always wear shoes, as your pedals will dig in to your feet.
Here is a bike diagram with labels
Click if you want it bigger
Friday, November 2, 2012
Wonder chapter: The big question
Why do I have to do this I mean like Mr Tushman is a nice guy but why does he have to get us in from our holidays to show this kid around. Mr Tushman said that this guys name is August. Does that mean his birthday is in August?
As we walk in to Mr Tushman's office August doesn't say "Hi" or anything he just looks down at his shoes with his hair flopping down covering his face. Mr Tushman put a fake grin on his face, and then an miserable smile it looks really weird. We don't have to be mind readers but we know what that face means. Look after him or... yeah you know.
I flick my long blond white hair over my face and then back again that's just what girls do if they nervous. August is ugly, Not to hurt his feelings. The guy looks pretty nervous hiding his face away. I think he just feels like everyone is going to tease him.
Jack-Will and Julian are whispering about August. Then Mr Tushman gives them that look. They quickly stop. I feel so sorry for the kid. I know how he feels. Julian and Jack-Will take the lead taking August to the Cafe. I stay back with August. I say hi. He mumbles a hi back. His face is ugly but I can take it. He is just an ordinary kid to me. I think I just need to know some more things about him.
“Here is the cafe,” Jack-Will mumbled out of his mouth. “Here is the science room. Do you want to have a look inside August?” I asked August. August nodded his head in agreement. “Here is the library August, go and have a look at the books,” I told August, but he had already started.
I showed him the books that I like. Then he showed me the books that he liked. It was mostly Star wars books, he also likes comic books.
After we show him the all of the things in the school we were about to turn back to Mr Tushman's office when I say to the boys, " Boys we haven't showed him his new home class. " "Oh sorry what room is it," the boy shout back at me. " It's 301 dum dums," I wanted August to think I am cool and I can control the boys.
Now that we are on our way to classroom 301 the boys stayed behind us we sped up a little. Classroom 301 is on level 3 which is a long way from the library. August and I got to room 301 before the boys which is good so them I can show him around the place a little before the boys come in.
As we walk in to Mr Tushman's office August doesn't say "Hi" or anything he just looks down at his shoes with his hair flopping down covering his face. Mr Tushman put a fake grin on his face, and then an miserable smile it looks really weird. We don't have to be mind readers but we know what that face means. Look after him or... yeah you know.
I flick my long blond white hair over my face and then back again that's just what girls do if they nervous. August is ugly, Not to hurt his feelings. The guy looks pretty nervous hiding his face away. I think he just feels like everyone is going to tease him.
Jack-Will and Julian are whispering about August. Then Mr Tushman gives them that look. They quickly stop. I feel so sorry for the kid. I know how he feels. Julian and Jack-Will take the lead taking August to the Cafe. I stay back with August. I say hi. He mumbles a hi back. His face is ugly but I can take it. He is just an ordinary kid to me. I think I just need to know some more things about him.
“Here is the cafe,” Jack-Will mumbled out of his mouth. “Here is the science room. Do you want to have a look inside August?” I asked August. August nodded his head in agreement. “Here is the library August, go and have a look at the books,” I told August, but he had already started.
I showed him the books that I like. Then he showed me the books that he liked. It was mostly Star wars books, he also likes comic books.
After we show him the all of the things in the school we were about to turn back to Mr Tushman's office when I say to the boys, " Boys we haven't showed him his new home class. " "Oh sorry what room is it," the boy shout back at me. " It's 301 dum dums," I wanted August to think I am cool and I can control the boys.
Now that we are on our way to classroom 301 the boys stayed behind us we sped up a little. Classroom 301 is on level 3 which is a long way from the library. August and I got to room 301 before the boys which is good so them I can show him around the place a little before the boys come in.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Scary poem with Lily N
The room turns cold.
Look over there!
It's Dracula, he's old.
I'm full of fear.
Tonight is a full moon.
I walk down the path I see bones.
I look up and see a frightning ghost balloon.
I keep on walking but I see some death cones.
I lock the door but hear a screech.
Looking out the the window I see a witch.
Her long fingernails are as orange as a peach.
I look down and there is a black cat in a ditch.
Running down the hallway, right in front of my eyes is a COFFIN!
I let out a horrible scream.
I can hear a creature coughing.
Then I slip over some blood coloured cream.
I step into my bedroom and a black vamprie bat swoops in.
A glowing orange pumpkin falls on my head.
Suddenly a zombie comes out of my closet and I know I won't win.
I am so scared I clamber onto my bed.
I hear an owl hoot.
Then a goblin groan.
An invisible creature kicks over my boot.
And then a monster moan.
Out jumps my dog Rover.
Yay Halloween is over.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wonder, Visualising and Summary
This is my Visualising of the book that our class is reading at the moment it is called "wonder"
Here is my summary of the book so far.
August was born with cleft palate and is not made probably. August has just started a new school. He went a tour of the school in the holidays. There were three kids who showed him around. Their names are Charlotte, Jack-Will and Julian August has a sister called Vir and look after him when she is not at school. August went into his new home room it is on level 3 class number 301. Heads of people stared at him but when they saw him looking back they put their heads down because they did not want him to notice them. Then their new teacher called at the classes names and August put his hand up and said here when the teacher called out his name. When he went up to get his folder everyone in the class was staring at him.
Here is my summary of the book so far.
August was born with cleft palate and is not made probably. August has just started a new school. He went a tour of the school in the holidays. There were three kids who showed him around. Their names are Charlotte, Jack-Will and Julian August has a sister called Vir and look after him when she is not at school. August went into his new home room it is on level 3 class number 301. Heads of people stared at him but when they saw him looking back they put their heads down because they did not want him to notice them. Then their new teacher called at the classes names and August put his hand up and said here when the teacher called out his name. When he went up to get his folder everyone in the class was staring at him.
Monday, October 29, 2012
100 word writing
“What is that” I ask Katrina as we were walking down the beach. “I’m not sure” Katrina answered back. As I look at it more closely I saw it, the eagle. The sun was making my back hurt because it was burning. The eagle was coming closer and closer. “Run” I shout to Katrina at the top of my lungs. The eagle is a death killer. As Katrina and I got to the cage we said at the same time “That was a close one.” The sun was going down and it is starting to rain lets go home now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The silver sword video diary
The silver sword from Student Parkvale on Vimeo.
This is a video diary for a book that my group is reading at the moment. The book is called " The silver sword.
Since the start of the new term we have being doing mathletics. Here is one of the drawings I have done.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Scooter art reflection
For art we had to draw a part of a scooter and then blend colors in it.
I think my blending is very good.The colors that I used match and I have used all different blending patterns. The patterns are straight, up and down and dark to light.
I need to work on ruling the line so they are straight that way it will look better.
I am very good at the scooter the design of the drawing.
This is my favourite art that we have done in class so far.
I think my blending is very good.The colors that I used match and I have used all different blending patterns. The patterns are straight, up and down and dark to light.
I need to work on ruling the line so they are straight that way it will look better.
I am very good at the scooter the design of the drawing.
This is my favourite art that we have done in class so far.
Pressures that are affecting kids
This is my comic life on kids that are being pressured to do things that they don't want to or need more time doing the subject.
100 word challange
Suddenly the temperature dropped... It is now below -1 degrees, I am freezing but I have to do this for my friends and family to show them i'm not a wussy. I should survive doing this, because Bear Grills did. As long as I follow all the things that he does I should be great. First I need to build a fire and find some shelter. I start a fire easily with my flint and steel. I have also made a shelter. Now it is night time.I have survived the night, I can prove that I'm not a wussy to my friends and family.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tinana Te Reo Maori
On the 15th of October my class learnt some more Te Reo Maori. Tinana means body parts.
Here is a sound recording of me asking and answering some questions.
Here is a sound recording of me asking and answering some questions.
- Your head is mahunga
- Your eyes is whatu
- Your ears is taringa
- Your mouth is waha
- Your chest is uma
- Your shoulder is pakihiwi
- Your tummy is puku
- Your toes is matimati
- Your legs is waewae
If you know what "ringaringa" means in english then make a comment with your answer.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Olympic hockey
Cathryn Finlayson from the woman's Black sticks scored the only goal of the game. The woman's Black sticks played Australia and Bianca Russell the Black stick's goal keeper was amazing and stop all of the attempts at goal from the Australian's.
Here is Cathryn Finlayson celebration her goal.
Here is Cathryn Finlayson celebration her goal.
3d Shapes
Today in maths my class had to draw some 3d shapes. First your partner had to make a shapes out of blocks. Then you had to draw it. Here is Miss Garland's shape that my whole class had to draw!
I think I did very well drawing the shapes because I have done it before and I remembered from then!
Letter to Sam and Charlotte Harrison
Dear Sam and Charlotte Harrison,
Kia ora my name is Olivia Mairs, I am 11 years old and I go too Parkvale School in Hastings. I play hockey and my dream job is to get into the womans Black sticks. I play right half in hockey. I have two sisters. I have a big sister her name is Georgia and she is 12. I also have a twin sister her name is Katrina and she play’s centre forward. Katrina and I are very close and we are only 1 minute apart from birth. When we were little we were very cute and they couldn’t tell us apart it was very funny. There are five in my family, six including the family dog. His my is Flett and he is a black Labrador.
I wrote this letter to you because I love hockey and because you are called the Harrison twins. I found out that you aren’t actually twins, your sisters. On the 16th of August my school is having a disco and the theme is to dress up as your favourite Olympic athlete. Katrina and I are dressing up as you guys.I think you were so close to beating the Netherlands in Olympic semi final. Is Katie Glynn alright?
Here are some questions that I would like to ask you.
Is it hard getting a green card and you just want to keep on playing?
How many goals have you scored?
Have you had any bad injuries?
Have you ever had a red card and why?
Your sincerely,
Olivia Mairs
Parkvale School
P.S Could Katrina and I please have a autograph?
Kia ora my name is Olivia Mairs, I am 11 years old and I go too Parkvale School in Hastings. I play hockey and my dream job is to get into the womans Black sticks. I play right half in hockey. I have two sisters. I have a big sister her name is Georgia and she is 12. I also have a twin sister her name is Katrina and she play’s centre forward. Katrina and I are very close and we are only 1 minute apart from birth. When we were little we were very cute and they couldn’t tell us apart it was very funny. There are five in my family, six including the family dog. His my is Flett and he is a black Labrador.
I wrote this letter to you because I love hockey and because you are called the Harrison twins. I found out that you aren’t actually twins, your sisters. On the 16th of August my school is having a disco and the theme is to dress up as your favourite Olympic athlete. Katrina and I are dressing up as you guys.I think you were so close to beating the Netherlands in Olympic semi final. Is Katie Glynn alright?
Here are some questions that I would like to ask you.
Is it hard getting a green card and you just want to keep on playing?
How many goals have you scored?
Have you had any bad injuries?
Have you ever had a red card and why?
Your sincerely,
Olivia Mairs
Parkvale School
P.S Could Katrina and I please have a autograph?
Hockey final
On the 25th of August the Parkvale hockey team won the B grade kiwi sticks competition. We were also unbeaten the whole season, which is a huge achievement. Next year Katrina and I are going to Intermediate and I hope our skills that we learned from Miss Hill will put us in a good team!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
QR Code
This is my QR code. Here is the link to the site that makes them.
With the QR codes you can scan them with your iphone, ipod or ipad with an app on them.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
This is the Nuolivea language it is called the Toko language here of some of the basic words.
Nuolivea- Olivia
Whakapapa- Dad
Whakamama- Mum
Nukatrinea- Katrina
Nugeorgiea- Georgia
Toko- hello
Toko ewu- thank you
Toko whangey-please
Maka- family
Keyta- Friends
Tokoinawhu -yes
Tokowhakapa- no
Ma rou - sky
Ma whu - morning
Ma hu - night
emoe- Monday
echu- Tuesday
ewe- Wednesday
eko- Thursday
equ- Friday
eco- Saturday
ewa- Sunday
eloeve- love
Here is the national anthem in Toko language
ewo fo Nuolivea
aet amey goet
ian teh eloeve eth ell teh lon
ken yeu heera aes ware chaaring lad
peacse waer prad
Here it is in English
Gods of Olivia
at my feet
in the love of all the land
can you hear us were cheering loud
because were proud
Nuolivea- Olivia
Whakapapa- Dad
Whakamama- Mum
Nukatrinea- Katrina
Nugeorgiea- Georgia
Toko- hello
Toko ewu- thank you
Toko whangey-please
Maka- family
Keyta- Friends
Tokoinawhu -yes
Tokowhakapa- no
Ma rou - sky
Ma whu - morning
Ma hu - night
emoe- Monday
echu- Tuesday
ewe- Wednesday
eko- Thursday
equ- Friday
eco- Saturday
ewa- Sunday
eloeve- love
Here is the national anthem in Toko language
ewo fo Nuolivea
aet amey goet
ian teh eloeve eth ell teh lon
ken yeu heera aes ware chaaring lad
peacse waer prad
Here it is in English
Gods of Olivia
at my feet
in the love of all the land
can you hear us were cheering loud
because were proud
Olympic rowing
“ Hump” why do I have to do this race? I’m so nervous butterflies could jump out of my stomach. I want to win, I want to win. “Beep” the buzzer goes to start. “ Splash” water goes all over me. I can see France in front, “come on go faster.” 500 up oh no France is getting more in front. Come on pass them. Halfway 1000 metres to go, my muscles are hurting so much. I think they might burst. Speed up, yeah we have passed them. My fists are clenching to the oars. My hands are hurting I think I’ve got blisters. I’m getting tired. “Come on you can do it.” 5oo to go, I can hear the crowd cheering. “ Buzzz” the buzzer goes off to say we have finished. “Yay a new world record.” I go up to team France, “ Good race mate.”
Monday, August 6, 2012
How to make a pie graph
For maths today my class had to make pie graphs. This is what I did.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The smart bed that makes itself
A Spanish furniture company OHEA has come up with a bed that makes itself. Why go to all the fuss on wasting money a bed. I think people should not go buy it because it is a bad idea and who came up with it is smart but lazy.
I think that this is such a bad idea, don’t you. If you are that lazy then you should just get your fitness going, and not go and get a self making bed. I think it’s a great idea but people around the world should not be so lazy. If you make your own bed it just takes about 5 minutes and you will get good at making beds. That means that you can teach your kids and then you will not have to complain about your children not making their beds.
What my group had to do for reading was that we had to write negative writing about a article on Dog-o-news. It was quite funny to write a persuasive writing on a bed that I really want.
I think that this is such a bad idea, don’t you. If you are that lazy then you should just get your fitness going, and not go and get a self making bed. I think it’s a great idea but people around the world should not be so lazy. If you make your own bed it just takes about 5 minutes and you will get good at making beds. That means that you can teach your kids and then you will not have to complain about your children not making their beds.
What my group had to do for reading was that we had to write negative writing about a article on Dog-o-news. It was quite funny to write a persuasive writing on a bed that I really want.
10 Items on a super villan's shopping list
- Lazer vision.
- Riffle and it has long range sight on it also night vision.
- Flying power so he can fly high into the sky when flying away or chasing someone.
- Jumping power so you jump high into the sky and them you can fly.
- Grenades as many as you want.
- Weet bix as many boxes as you want.
- Poison x-ray machine gun.
- handcuffs any size big or small.
- Poison ivy so the person gets poisoned and then they will get killed.
- Water so he does not get thirsty.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Retell of the three little pigs
Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs. Their names were Flett, Olivia and Katrina. One day their mother said to them, “ it is time for you to move on and live in your own.” So they packed their bags and the next day they went down the street. They tried to find something to build with. Flett the smallest pig was not the smartest pig in town so he found a person that was selling paper, so he brought two tonnes of green A4 paper and started to build his house out of green paper. Katrina, the middle sized pig, found a man selling glass. She brought one million dollars of glass and made her house in three hours. Olivia the smartest pig of them of all went to the shop and brought lots of steel and concrete. She got some men to help her build her house and they started to build it straight away. After a week of living in their house a small strong Skunk came to Flett’s not strong house made out of paper. The skunk said to him, “Let me in let me in little pig.”
“Not by the sound of my hungry rumbly tummy”
“ Then I will pour a load of my truck water on your house little piggie.”
So the skunk poured all of his water from his truck on the poor little piggies house. When the skunk poured the water on the pig’s house it all fell over and Flett ran all the way to Katrina’s house, The next day the small strong skunk came to Katrina’s house and he said,“Let me in, let me in little pig.”
“Not by the sound of my hungry rumbly tummy,” squealed the two little pigs.“ Then I will get my bombs and bomb your place out.”
So the skunk got his bombs and bombed Katrina’s house up.
Flett and Katrina ran to Olivia’s house. Flett and Katrina told Olivia what the skunk did to them. So Olivia got her gun and when the skunk came to her house she was ready. The skunk said to the three pigs, “Let me in let me in little pig.”
“Not by the sound of my hungry rumbly tummy,”
“ Then I will come down your chimney and eat you all up.” The three pigs were ready for the skunk and when he came down Olivia shot him and ate him for lunch the next day.
And they lived happily ever after.
“Not by the sound of my hungry rumbly tummy”
“ Then I will pour a load of my truck water on your house little piggie.”
So the skunk poured all of his water from his truck on the poor little piggies house. When the skunk poured the water on the pig’s house it all fell over and Flett ran all the way to Katrina’s house, The next day the small strong skunk came to Katrina’s house and he said,“Let me in, let me in little pig.”
“Not by the sound of my hungry rumbly tummy,” squealed the two little pigs.“ Then I will get my bombs and bomb your place out.”
So the skunk got his bombs and bombed Katrina’s house up.
Flett and Katrina ran to Olivia’s house. Flett and Katrina told Olivia what the skunk did to them. So Olivia got her gun and when the skunk came to her house she was ready. The skunk said to the three pigs, “Let me in let me in little pig.”
“Not by the sound of my hungry rumbly tummy,”
“ Then I will come down your chimney and eat you all up.” The three pigs were ready for the skunk and when he came down Olivia shot him and ate him for lunch the next day.
And they lived happily ever after.
Te Reo Maori
At the moment my class has been learning about Te Reo Maori colours and shapes. I think my goal for Maori is to speak more fluently. I did my work on a hexagon, Here it is!
He aha tenei?
He aha tenei. Means What is this.
He tapaono tena. Means That is a hexagon.
Homai te tapaono. Means Pass me the hexagon.
anei.Anei in maori means here you go.
kia ora. thank in Maori is kia ora or ka pai.
He tapaono whero. Means a red hexagon.
Homai te tapaono kowhai. Means Pass me the yellow hexagon.
Here is a list of Te Reo Maori colours.
Ma white
Manu, Pango black
Kikorangi blue
Kakariki green
Kowhai yellow
Kiwikiwi gray
Tawa purple
Parauri brown
Whero red
Mawhero pink
If you know the answer in Te Reo Maori to the question leave on comment.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Homework week 7-8
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Maths multiplication
This is my maths multiplication. I think I have done well with my multiplication I need to work on 6 and 7 times tables. I think I need to be a bit quicker.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Blog Review On Joshua's blog
This is a blog review on Joshua's blog. He is from room 20. I like his blog because his writing is really funny here is an example of he good writing. His blog address is I think you should comment on his blog because he puts lots of effort into his blog.
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