Friday, February 24, 2012

My Voki

This is my Voki. If you want to make a voki click on this link

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Swimming Sports

      On Wednesday the 22nd  of February team 5 did swimming sports. There was competitive and fun events. I had fun and I'm sure other people did to.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nitro Circus

Preparing to start 5..4.3..2...1 Get Ready Set Go!! I was riding my monster truck through the dusty desert. The hot sand was as hot as the morning sky which was burning my eyes  coming through the open window “Go faster!” my mate screamed I thought that I should go faster and not chicken out but I was scared and I did not want to muck up and not land it I wanted it to be all perfect. Driving a monster truck is much different than a normal car because its more bouncy and larger. I could smell the hot sand going up my nostrils it was disgusting. The sand tasted like rotting dirt it was gross. Oh no here comes the cops.  

Monday, February 13, 2012


This post is on my swimming that I have done so far. I think I will be in the top group because I need to practice my diving.  I think when I dive my legs go like frogs. I love swimming because it is fun and you do lots of exercise.   

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Triathlon

This is me coming out of the pool at ocean spa  after swimming 100metres

This is at the end of the 2km bike ride 

Running to the finish after 1km run

My total time was 19 mins 48 sec
I won a lick this ice cream and a voucher to enter the Weet-Bix tryathalon.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Qualities Of Me

These are the qualities of me. I used wordle to make it here is the link:

My first week reflection

  • I found using paint was easy because when I'm happy I enjoy myself I find things easy.
  • I felt proud when I finish my work Early because than I can go on to my class’s blog and play games on there.
  • I felt excited when I found out that I was in the computer class and my teacher was Miss Garland because Katrina said that Miss Garland is a cool teacher and I am lucky to have here.
  • I found different using the laptop is much easier than writing because I am not so good at writing, and you don’t wast time getting your books out.

Friday, February 3, 2012


In swimming this year I am practising  hard because I want to get into the school inter school team.
This year I want to work on my diving. I like swimming because it is fun, good exercise and I'm good at it.